Monday, January 27, 2014

Best of 2013

Victoria Tower, Houses of ParliamentUnited Kingdom Holiday 2013 (229 of 288).jpgSt. Paul's CathedralNorth Cascade Hwy (49 of 112).jpgCle Elum 2013 (3 of 6).jpgCle Elum 2013 (5 of 6).jpg
Cle Elum 2013 (1 of 6).jpgHaystack RockHaystack Rock at SunsetChevy at Iron CoveTug  on Indian ArmMacro at Chateau Ste Michelle
Cabo San Lucas 2013 (Canon) (2 of 9)Chihuly Gallery (13 of 14)Chihuly Gallery (8 of 14)Chihuly Gallery (x of 14)

Best of 2013, a set on Flickr.

2013 was a pretty interesting year. It wasn't transformational. In many ways it was yet another rerun. But in some very important ways I learned a lot about myself.
I also had my camera out more than usual, but published less. I'm trying to be more self-editing rather than just issuing a spray and pray approach.
I also got away more in 2013 than I have in most years: Mexico, trips along the left coast, day trips into the Cascades and ending the year with a great trip through the United Kingdom.
These were some of my favourites. Half taken with family and half taken on photo junkets with friends.
I hope you enjoy them. I know I had fun taking them.